Introduction to the True Wealth Show

Introduction to True Wealth Show

Hi, I’m Mike Potter, financial planner and owner of True Wealth Financial Group, and I’m really excited about the launch of a new show called the True Wealth Financial Show.

Let’s face it, money and money decisions can be complex and confusing, and at times just downright stressful. My goal is to help you navigate financial decisions intentionally, build wealth, and retire with confidence.

Why Consider Listening

So you might be asking yourself, okay, Mike, why should I listen to you? I’ll give you three reasons to consider:

Number one I have a handful of degrees and certifications that say I know a little bit of something about money.

Number two, I have taught or counseled, spoken in front of, or advised hundreds, really thousands, of different people and clients over the last 10 plus years, and I’ve seen them achieve their financial goals and improve their life.

And number three, I walk my own talk. As ‘ll explain in a future episode that my financial journey, starting in 2007 when my wife and I really hit bottom. And since that time, Erica and I, have seen over a million dollar positive net worth change in our lives.

But the real reason, maybe you should tune in, is so that you too can get the information and the inspiration that you need to navigate your financial decisions, intentionally build wealth, and so that – you can retire with confidence.

What the Show is About

On this show, we are going to talk about all the traditional areas of finance, cash-flow planning, debt savings, investing, taxes, estate planning, insurance, and really a whole lot more.

But we’re also going to dive into the non-financial side of things. Things like mindset, beliefs, principles, values and relationships.

Again, all of this with the ultimate focus of providing you the information and inspiration that you need to navigate your financial decisions intentionally, build wealth, and retire with confidence.

An Invite to Listen

So starting August 1st, every Tuesday morning, a new show will be released and I invite you to listen in.

Until then, I hope you have a great day.