How do I Find a Financial Planner?

How do I Find a Financial Planner? Proverbs 11 14 says where no council is the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety. Bill Walsh said, your mentors in life are important.…
Why I Have Not USED a Credit Card Since 2007 (9 Reasons)

Why I Have Not USED a Credit Card Since 2007 (9 Reasons)

Today I want to talk about reasons why I have not used a credit card since 2007, August of 2007 specifically and that's almost been 17 years. So, for those of you who have watched the backstory, you kind of understand what happened to us essentially in late 2007, Erica and I hit a financial wall.
DEBT – The Ultimate Transfer of Wealth

DEBT – The Ultimate Transfer of Wealth

I discuss debt and how it's transferred the wealth in America from the People to the Institutions, how debt is a product sold by banks, how the interest rate affects the loan balance, and how much payments actually cost you over time.
Where is the BEST place to Keep Your Emergency Fund?

Where is the BEST place to Keep Your Emergency Fund?

Recently received a question from a client of mine regarding their emergency fund. Let's say, let's call this guy's name is Mark. Him and his wife will call her a Helen. They live in Northwest part of the country doing great, crushing it almost half millionaires in their early thirties or so just doing a great job. He asked the question recently of where the best place is to keep an emergency fund. And that's what I want to discuss with you today. Where is the best place to keep an emergency fund?  But first let's talk about what constitutes a fully fund emergency fund.
The ONE Thing Required to Build Wealth

The ONE Thing Required to Build Wealth

Today I want to discuss the one thing that is required to build wealth. A lot of people think that wealth building is a function of income, meaning the more income I have, the more wealth I'll be.