Becoming a Millionaire (Our Personal Story) Part 2

Becoming a Millionaire (Our Personal Story) Part 2

 Today we're going to continue our conversation about becoming a millionaire and sharing our personal story. But this is part two, which means there's a part one. And if you haven't listened to part one, I'd encourage you to go back to last week's watch part one.
Metrics that Matter in Wealth Building

Metrics that Matter in Wealth Building

Today I want to discuss metrics that matter as it pertains to wealth building. Specifically, I want to address what is a metric outline three different metrics that do matter and help you understand why that matter.
Avoiding “scam” Insurances

Avoiding “scam” Insurances

Today I want to talk about what I'm going to overarchingly label as Scam insurance. Now the reality is these are not scams. There is such a thing as scam insurance out there. Things we're going to talk about today is legitimate insurance. It does protect certain things, but for most people, they're not really needed
An Overview of Long-Term Care Insurance

An Overview of Long-Term Care Insurance

Today, I want to continue our conversation on insurance, specifically talking about long term care insurance. I want to talk about its purpose, the situation where it might be desired, really what it protects, and why and where you might need it purchase a policy.
An Overview of Life Insurance

An Overview of Life Insurance

Today, I want to talk all about life insurance, specifically the purpose of it, the different ways to determine quote unquote, how much you should have in terms of life insurance, the two different types of policies and lastly, where to get it. 
Auto Insurance Coverages

Auto Insurance Coverages

Today I want to talk about personal auto insurance, the coverages of it, And where to get it as a reminder, insurance is one of our two rails that protects our wealth.
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset

Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset Today, I want to talk about homeowner's insurance, the coverages of it, where to get it, what's included and what's not. Now for most people, their home is the…
Protection From the #1 Cause of Bankruptcy

Protection From the #1 Cause of Bankruptcy

Today I want to continue our discussion on insurance and specifically talk about health insurance. We're talking about why to have it, the two primary plans that are available, three or four different numbers to focus on when selecting a plan, and the best places to get it.
The Basics of Insurance

The Basics of Insurance

Today I want to begin. A series of shows relating to insurance, specifically today, I want to talk about the basics of insurance, what it is, when to have it, when not to have it, and the various types of insurance that most people will have that will unpack in later detail in future shows.