Good Habits to Build Wealth

Good Habits to Build Wealth Today I want to talk about habits and the power of habits as they apply to our money and specifically building wealth. I've read a couple of books on…
Helping Loved One Prepare For Your Loss

Helping Loved One Prepare For Your Loss

Today I want to talk about and discuss how you can help Your loved ones deal with the loss of your passing and really give you three ideas that you could implement to help with that. Now the reality is this is not a fun topic to talk about and I'm sure it's not a fun topic to listen about, but we all know it's important.
Basics and Practical Uses of Trusts

Basics and Practical Uses of Trusts

Today, I want to talk about trust. I want to define what a trust is, explain the roles that are involved with the trust, talk about the uses of trust, as well as explain in detail, two of the most common trusts.
Choosing Agents for Your Estate Plan

Choosing Agents for Your Estate Plan

today I want to talk about the role of agents inside of your plan. What agents you'll have, what an agent is and the good qualities of an agent you would want. As related to your estate plan.
Estate Planning: Order of Transfers

Estate Planning: Order of Transfers

I want to continue our conversation on estate planning. Specifically, I want to talk about the order of transfers. Essentially, how things get transferred to other people, the different mechanisms and essentially what order they take place.
Make This Your Year! 4 Steps to Meaningful Change

Make This Your Year! 4 Steps to Meaningful Change

Today, I want to talk about what you can accomplish. In the year to come. I recently had a conversation with a gentleman who's been listening to the show, and he scheduled a call with me on my website and he just wanted to check in, see how we might work together and things like that.
A Christmas (money) Conversation

A Christmas (money) Conversation

Today I want to make a very brief Christmas message of sorts.  Christmas is coming up next week. I'm going to keep this episode relatively short and just maybe give you one action item that you might consider going into the end of the year with some friends and family.