The Role of Stewardship in Wealth Building

The Role of Stewardship in Wealth Building

 Today I want to continue to help give you some perspectives regarding money mindset that might be beneficial. And so today I want to talk about stewardship, what it is and why it might be important to you. 
What is Money?

What is Money?

Today we're going to try to answer the question, what is money? Now I know what you might be thinking. That seems like a pretty silly question, and maybe it is. But it's something that's really helped me personally with regards to my own money mindset.
Digging into Money Scripts

Digging into Money Scripts

I continue to explore money mindset and specifically talk about Money Scripts - what they are, the 4 roles, and how it can be used a little to "hack" into your Money Mindset
Your Identity in Building Wealth

Your Identity in Building Wealth What is Identity In today's post, I want to talk about the value of identity. So, identity plays a large role in our lives. Oxford defines identity as a…
The Belief of Change

The Belief of Change

In this post, I want to continue talking about money mindset.  In last week's post, we talked about how money beliefs are important because, with money, or really any other topic, beliefs drive actions. Those actions then provide outcomes. Those outcomes then produce evidence which either contradicts or supports that belief. If the belief is supported, it becomes that much stronger.
The Importance of Money Mindset

The Importance of Money Mindset Money Mindset In today's post, I want to begin a series about mindset, specifically money mindset. And in this post, I really want to talk about why it's important…
What is True Wealth?

What is True Wealth?

In today’s post, I want to try to answer the question, what is True Wealth? This is the True Wealth Financial show site. The name of my advisory firm is the True Wealth Financial Group. Thus, it would be helpful to know what is True Wealth?
Are You on a Path to Wealth?

Are You on a Path to Wealth?

I got a question for you. Are you on the path to be becoming wealthy? Asked another way, do you have a dedicated plan that you are executing, that you are confident is going to lead you to wealth? It's a simple question. Are you on the path to become wealthy? You either are or you're not. Yes or no. Now, your answer might be complex in nature but it's a relatively simple question. If you are not, I would follow up this question to you, which is why not?
The (Back)Story

The (Back)Story

I thought I'd take a moment to spend this first post letting you get to know me a little bit. And what better way to do that than to share my financial story or financial journey with you. I won't bore you with every detail, but I'll give you the highlights of where Erica and I were. As well as where we are today and some of the things that we've done along the way.