How do I Find a Financial Planner?

How do I Find a Financial Planner? Proverbs 11 14 says where no council is the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety. Bill Walsh said, your mentors in life are important.…
A Financial Framework for Retirement Transition

A Financial Framework for Retirement Transition

I want to continue our post from last week talking about a financial framework. So, if you read to last week's post, we talked about a financial framework for building wealth. Essentially, it has a floor, two rails, seven steps and a ceiling. In this post, I want to continue that same vein and talk specifically about a retirement transition framework.
Age-Based Financial Milestones for Wealth Building and Retirement Planning

Age-Based Financial Milestones for Wealth Building and Retirement Planning

Today, I want to walk you through a timeline of the various stages of life in terms of your wealth building and retirement planning, as well as give you certain milestones, age-based milestones that occur along the way where you could do certain things based upon really IRS laws. or various laws that have taken place that have shaped the financial landscape from the United States perspective.