Where is the BEST place to Keep Your Emergency Fund?

Where is the BEST place to Keep Your Emergency Fund?

Recently received a question from a client of mine regarding their emergency fund. Let's say, let's call this guy's name is Mark. Him and his wife will call her a Helen. They live in Northwest part of the country doing great, crushing it almost half millionaires in their early thirties or so just doing a great job. He asked the question recently of where the best place is to keep an emergency fund. And that's what I want to discuss with you today. Where is the best place to keep an emergency fund?  But first let's talk about what constitutes a fully fund emergency fund.
The ONE Thing Required to Build Wealth

The ONE Thing Required to Build Wealth

Today I want to discuss the one thing that is required to build wealth. A lot of people think that wealth building is a function of income, meaning the more income I have, the more wealth I'll be.