Please click the various link for the resource you want to view and/or download at your leisure.

Age-Based Financial Milestones – Various US Statutes, Regulations, and Tax Codes dictate that some activities are prevented until one obtains a certain age.  Below is a list of financial activities one can take based upon age, essentially forming milestones on one’s financial journey.  

Financial Framework for Wealth Building – A holistic comprehensive systematic approach that outline the major aspects and steps to build wealth, manage risks, and minimize taxes.

Retirement Transition Framework – A holistic comprehensive systematic approach that outline the major aspects and steps for planning to leave the workforce and transition into retirement.

Basic Budgeting Forms (XLS or PDF) – Having a budget or spending plan, is critical to building wealth and a successful retirement plan.

Christmas Spending Plan Forms (XLS or PDF) – Having a spending plan for Christmas helps you be more intentional, reduce your shopping stress, and helps you communicate with your spouse as it pertains to your holiday plans and giving.

Complete Distributed Budgeting Forms (XLS) – Having a Distributed Budget, as well as a tracking mechanism, provides the tool you need to master your money management.

Business Framework – A money management framework for self-employed business owners to manage both business and personal cash-flow as well as save for quarterly taxes.

How Much Life Insurance (XLS) – Life insurance is about providing for those that are fincanially dependent upon you. This may help determine how much insurance you need/want.